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What's New Page:
12 May 02- Well i start college on the 28. Maybe i can get my degree in Massage ther.

01 FEb 02- Same damn thang

10 Jun 01 I in Washington now, just jillin, helpin out with the JROTC. thatz about it

3-8-01 Now I am headed for Ft. Lewis, Washington. i will be station there for the next 3 Yrs.

12-16-00 Im now done with Basic trainning and A.I.T. I will be headed out to Ft. Leanrad Wood, Missouri.

Sat. 13- Mayokia Walker wins the Texas State 800m dash.

Sat-20 There will be not party today. Has been moved to a later date.

5-29-00 Thanks to all who came to the party lastnight. Sorry i jetted early, a friend was in need

June 11- I had to get a different email the people at hotmail messed me over. superscooter40@hotmail.com

Next wenesday on the 5 there will be agoing away party at Jake's.